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(Video) Nigerian Gay Couple Cause Stir on Social Media with Lavish Wedding Ceremony in Canada

A Nigerian gay couple based in Canada have caused a stir on social media after getting married in a lavish wedding ceremony.

The couple, Ify and Bright, released their pre-wedding photos a few weeks ago, which made waves on the internet. The photos showed the couple in traditional Nigerian wedding attire, and they were showered with love and support from their fans.

The couple finally tied the knot over the weekend, and it was well-attended by their friends and family in Canada. Photos and videos from the ceremony are currently making rounds on social media, and they have been met with mixed reactions.

Some people have praised the couple for their courage and for living their truth, while others have expressed disapproval of their relationship. However, the couple has remained undeterred, and they have said that they are simply happy to be married to the person they love.

The wedding of Ify and Bright is a landmark moment for the LGBTQ+ community in Nigeria. It is a sign of progress, and it shows that love is love, no matter who you are.

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