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Jens Stoltenberg: “NATO and the EU stand with the brave people of Ukraine”

Just Today (24 February 2022) Charles Michel the president of the European Council and the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has met with the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to discuss Russia’s unprovoked, brutal and ongoing attack on Ukraine.

Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity right to self-defence is being  supported strongly by the NATO and European Union and against the Russia’s barbaric actions.

In the meeting press briefing Secretary General  ‘Jens Stoltenberg’ slaute the European Union, NATO Allies and partners coordinated actions announced “This sends a strong message of unity. And it demonstrates how alone and isolated Russia is”, said Mr. Stoltenberg.

Presidents von der Leyen and Michel will both attend the virtual Summit of NATO leaders on 25 February, alongside NATO’s valued partners Finland and Sweden.

› Read the Secretary General’s full remarks

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