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Meet Baby born with full set of teeth smiles at nurses in Malta

A baby boy was born in Malta with a full set of teeth, stunning nurses and netizens alike.

The baby was born smiling, and he did not cry when he was delivered. The nurses who delivered him were surprised to see that he had a full set of teeth.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said one nurse. “He’s like a little vampire!”

The baby’s parents are also surprised by his condition. They said that they did not know that their baby would be born with teeth.

“We were expecting him to cry when he was born, but he just smiled at us,” said the baby’s mother. “It was the strangest thing.”

The baby’s condition is not harmful, and he is expected to be healthy. However, he may need to have his teeth removed later on, as they may interfere with his feeding.

The baby’s case is rare, but it is not unheard of. There have been a few other cases of babies being born with full sets of teeth. In most cases, the teeth are eventually removed.

The baby’s case has generated a lot of interest online, with many people wondering what caused his condition. Doctors are not sure, but they believe that it is likely due to a genetic mutation.

The baby is being monitored by doctors, but they said that he is expected to be healthy.

What do you think about this case? Let us know in the comments below.

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