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Nigeria Entertainment News

Spyro Says Celebrities Owe Fans a Decent Life

Nigerian singer Spyro has said that celebrities owe it to their fans to live decent lives. He cited his late mentor, Sound Sultan, as an example of a celebrity who lived a decent life, even though he was very successful.

Spyro said that he was taught by Sound Sultan that it is possible to live a decent life even as a celebrity. He said that Sound Sultan did not drink or smoke, and he did not chase women.

Read Also: Nigerian singer Spyro: Men can tell a woman’s character by her social media profile

Spyro said that celebrities have a responsibility to set a good example for their fans. He said that they should live decent lives so that their fans can follow their example.

Spyro also said that celebrities have a responsibility to create a decent society. He said that they should use their platform to promote positive values.

Spyro’s comments are likely to be met with mixed reactions. Some people will agree with him that celebrities have a responsibility to live decent lives. Others may disagree, arguing that celebrities should be free to live their lives however they want.

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