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See photos of Nigerian girl who can Finally Smile After Surgeons Removed a football-sized tumour growing in her mouth (photos)

A massive deformity had grown from the center of her lower jawbone, formed by the same cells responsible for tooth enamel. Despite this, the teenager could still eat and speak, but her self-consciousness led her to stop attending school.

Local hospitals couldn’t provide assistance, so Grace was admitted to Mercy Ships, a charitable hospital, where she underwent a four-hour surgery to remove the tumor, her lower jaw, and teeth.

Local doctors had been unable to offer any treatment due to their bewilderment regarding her condition. Grace explained, “It began as a small swelling inside, and the gums gradually started to grow.” She further lamented, “We sought medical help, but they couldn’t identify it, and they took no action.”

Grace’s mother, Christine, felt helpless as she watched her daughter’s suffering, unsure of where to turn for help. She recalled, “I didn’t know what to do. In the hospital, there was a lot of talk, but no action.”

Living with a life-threatening tumor was an agonizing experience for Grace. She stated, “I was unwell, confined indoors, and constantly anxious. I was no longer happy.”

A Christian pastor eventually discovered the young girl and advocated for her medical treatment. After sharing her story on the church’s website, a reader informed them about Mercy Ships.

Mercy Ships operates the Africa Mercy, the world’s largest floating hospital, housed in a converted Danish rail ferry. It provides free healthcare services to some of the world’s most vulnerable people. A dedicated team of 1,600 volunteers, including doctors, nurses, and teachers from around the globe, offer their services free of charge.

Once aboard the ship, Grace underwent a CT scan to allow surgeons to assess the tumor and plan the necessary surgery. Surgeon Dr. Gary Parker explained, “As it grows within the mouth, it presses the tongue against the back of the throat, leading to airway obstruction and breathing difficulties. Without treatment, she could ultimately die from suffocation.”

During the complex surgery, Grace’s lower jaw and teeth, along with the enormous tumor, had to be removed. Dr. Parker described the procedure, stating, “To remove the tumor, we had to open the neck to access the jaw and separate the tumor from the healthy jaw.” The removed jaw was replaced with titanium metal plates.

In six months, Grace will receive artificial teeth once she has fully recovered. Dr. Parker added, “This will greatly improve her ability to chew, and in terms of appearance and function, she should be able to lead a normal life.”

Grace’s life has been utterly transformed by the surgery. With newfound confidence, she can now envision a bright future. She aspires to study medicine and pursue a nursing career to help others with complex medical conditions in the future. Grace expressed her gratitude, saying, “They made me happy. Now I want to study and help other people. I’d like to work on the Mercy Ship to help people for free, just like they did for me. It brought about a significant change because of how my face used to be. It changed my life; now my face is in good shape.”

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