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“Pregnancy Peppered Me” Nigerian Woman Shares Her Pregnancy Transformation

Pregnancy Gave Me a Glow Up, But Also a Few Surprises

A Nigerian woman has gone viral on social media after sharing a video of her drastic transformation during pregnancy.

The woman, who has not been identified, posted a video of herself before and after pregnancy. In the before video, she has a smooth, clear complexion and a bright smile. In the after video, her skin is noticeably darker and her face has some new wrinkles.

“Pregnancy showed me pepper,” she wrote in the caption, referring to the Nigerian saying that pregnancy can be a time of great change.

The video has been viewed over 1 million times and has received thousands of comments. Many people have praised the woman for her honesty and for sharing her story.

Some people have also shared their own experiences with pregnancy-related transformations. One woman wrote that she had to get a new wardrobe after her pregnancy because her clothes no longer fit. Another woman said that her hair texture changed after pregnancy.

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