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“I caught him knacking someone else but I didn’t feel bad, he told me I passed the test and he will marry me” – Nigerian lady reveals, advising fellow ladies to be patient always (Video)

A Nigerian woman has advised her fellow women to be patient with their men, even if they find them cheating. She said that she once caught her boyfriend cheating on her, but she didn’t get angry. Instead, she left quietly. Later, her boyfriend came out and told her that she had passed a test. He said that he had bought her a ring and was planning to propose to her. The woman was happy with the news and encouraged other women not to get angry when they find their boyfriends cheating.

However, it is clear that the boyfriend was lying to the woman. He was not testing her patience. He was simply cheating on her and trying to cover it up. The woman’s advice is not helpful and could lead other women to stay in unhealthy relationships.

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