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“I can’t remember my Body count” – Influencer Shakilla reveals

Kenyan socialite Shakila has opened up about her extensive tattoo collection, revealing that 11 of the 19 tattoos she has are dedicated to her ex-boyfriends, who have all passed away.

In a candid YouTube interview, Shakila explained that she got her first tattoo after her ex-boyfriend died. She said, “I wanted to do something to remember him, and a tattoo felt like the perfect way to do that.”

Shakila has also tattooed the faces of her best friends, and she says that she plans to continue getting tattoos in honor of the people she loves.

In the same interview, Shakila also admitted to losing track of her sexual partners. She said, “I don’t know my body count, and I don’t really care to keep track. I’m just living my life and enjoying myself.”

Shakila’s openness about her tattoos and her body count has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised her for her honesty, while others have criticized her for being promiscuous.

However, Shakila is unfazed by the criticism. She says that she is simply being herself and that she doesn’t care what other people think.

“I’m not ashamed of my tattoos or my body count,” she said. “I’m just living my life the way I want to live it.”

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