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Gospel Singer Dumps Fiance After He Sponsors Her Music Career

A Nigerian gospel singer, Amaka Gift, has been accused of dumping her fiancé and manager, Favour Ibex, after he sponsored her music career for nine years.

Ibex made the accusation on his Facebook page on Monday, August 28, 2023. He said he met Gift about nine years ago and they dated for three years before he introduced her to music. He said he was in charge of producing her songs, managing her social media accounts, and promoting her music.

According to Ibex, he and Gift were betrothed to each other, and he was waiting for her to graduate from university before paying her bride price. He also mentioned that they didn’t get sexually intimate because of their religious belief.

However, trouble started after he introduced Gift to a gospel minister, one Maxy Michael, for a song collaboration. He said the duo started sharing videos and pictures of themselves in compromising positions, and when he confronted Gift, she refused to end the ‘affair’.

Speaking further, Ibex revealed that Gift tried to change the passwords of her social media platforms in order to cut him out so he deactivated her pages.

Ibex’s post has since gone viral, and many people have expressed their support for him. Some people have also criticized Gift for her actions.

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